Welded Reinforcing Mesh Fabric

Welded Reinforcing Mesh Fabric

803 of TianJing Building, South of Development Zone, Dezhou, China – 德州 – 中国, 渤海湾86-534-9056927Facebook
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50 Crossings是一切
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 贝尔莫潘 (伯利兹)德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 圣地亚哥 (多米尼加共和国)
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 自由港 (巴哈马)德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 山谷 (鳗鱼)
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 圣萨尔瓦多 (萨尔瓦多)德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 道镇 (英属维尔京群岛)
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 金士顿 (牙买加)德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 哈密尔顿 (百慕大)
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 法兰西堡 (马提尼克)德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 布里奇敦 (巴巴多斯)
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 圣约翰 (安提瓜和巴布达)德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 阿卡普尔科 (墨西哥)
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 罗索 (多米尼加)德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 圣乔治 (格拉纳达)
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 卡馬圭 (古巴)德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 拉塞瓦 (洪都拉斯)
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 巴斯特尔 (瓜德罗普岛)德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 埃斯昆特拉 (危地马拉)
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 波多黎各王子 (海地)德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 阿拉胡埃拉 (哥斯达黎加)
德州 (中国, 渤海湾) - 乔治城 (开曼群岛)

GI. Welded Wire Reinforcement Mesh is the irreplaceable concrete reinforcing mesh used in modern construction. It is made of high tensile steel wire spot welded into a square or rectangular mesh mat structure, prefabricated for concrete elements uses. Both electro galv. and hot dipped galvanised treatment available for anti corrosion resistance and long term uses.

Wire / Bar Diameter: 4mm-16mm

Space center of neighbor steel bar
Vertical: 100mm, 150mm, 200mm, 300mm
Horizontal: 100-400mm
Width: 0.5m-3m
Lengt: 2m-6m

Welded steel bar panels are widely used in construction reinforcement, the ground for the tunnels, bridges, highway, airport and wharf, also in construction of wall body.

Features and Benefits
• Economic transport;
• Ease and economy of storage space;
• Reduction of implementation time (high application performance);
• Installation does not require skilled labor;
• Quality ensured by the implementation in factory;
• Reduction of waste and failings.

Concrete Reinforcing Mesh of Welded Steel Grid, Non Galvanized Black Finish
Steel bar reinforcing mesh, Galvanizing finish, or Black wire mesh, non galvanized.
Wire diameter: 10mm, Mesh: 250mm x 250 mm (8” x8”), Sheet size: 11.6ft length x 7.6ft width


Concrete Reinforcement Welded Mesh Sheet consists of pieces of wire or rebar welded together to form a grid pattern.

The size of the grid pattern is typically 4-inch-by-4-inch up to 8-inch-by-8-inch.

The hole of the grid is in square or rectangular shape:

Rectangular Welded Mesh with wires crossed in a form of a rectangle, and longitudinal wire as the supporting ones

Square opening welded steel mesh with wires crossed in a form of a square, and both longitudinal and transversal wires as supporting ones

About the company

Dezko Hardware Wire Mesh Co.,Ltd

Activity: Dezko Hardware Wire Mesh Co.,Ltd

Referral Link
Welded Reinforcing Mesh FabricWelded Reinforcing Mesh Fabric